Webhooks - Session Status

Support Center > API Integration

Published 06/14/2019 at 7:36pm UTC

Page viewed 31536 times


How can I use webhooks to have session status updates pushed to me as they happen? (Applicable to customers using Zoom or One-Click only.)


To configure webhooks for your account, please see the article Webhooks - Overview.



Session Status Webhook

Once webhooks are configured, any time a SecureVideo session starts or ends, our system will perform an HTTPS POST to your Custom Webhook URL. When updating session status, the content of the HTTPS POST will be JSON, as follows:

{ "WebhookType": "SESSION_STATUS", "ID": 12345, "Status": "STARTED" }

In the Webhook JSON:

  • WebhookType is the type of webhook you are receiving. For a Session Status webhook, this will be "SESSION_STATUS".
  • ID is the ID of the object relevant to the webhook, and depends on WebhookType. For "SESSION_STATUS" webhooks, ID will be the Session ID for which status is provided.
  • Status is the status of the object relevant to the webhook, and depends on WebhookType. For "SESSION_STATUS" webhooks, Status will be "STARTED" (the session has just been started) or "ENDED" (the session has just ended).


Accuracy of Status Webhooks

Session status is accurate the vast majority of the time, but is not guaranteed to be real-time in all cases. Occasionally, networking and/or endpoint conditions can cause a delay or inaccuracy in status webhooks.


See Also

If you would like to pull Session Status from SecureVideo rather than push Session Status, please see the article API - Session Status.



This article was last reviewed by our Support team on May 24, 2023.