Is there reimbursement for telehealth services?

Support Center > About Telehealth

Published 12/18/2013 at 6:38pm UTC

Page viewed 40010 times


Is there reimbursement for telehealth services?



Legislation in this area is changing at a rapid pace, generally in support of telehealth. We recommend you contact your state licensing board ( or regional telehealth resource center ( for the most current information. 


However, you may also be interested in these frequently updated resources: 

  • National Conference of State Legislatures: State coverage for telehealth services. See at a glance which states provide Medicaid or private insurance coverage for telehealth, or both.
  • American Telemedicine Association: wiki page on state laws for detailed analyses, reports, and on-going legislative actions surrounding the adoption of Medicaid and private insurance coverage for telehealth. They also have a paper for State Telemedicine Gaps Analysis, in which each state is graded based on existing policy barriers to telemedicine.
  • Center for Connected Health Policy: interactive map and policy search, sorted by state.


This article was last reviewed by our Support team on June 1, 2015.