Recordings: Upload a recording file

Support Center > About SecureVideo Features

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The Recording Feature is available for an additional monthly fee, allowing sessions to be recorded by the session host. To request a quote to enable recording, or to disable recording on your account, please contact our Sales Team at [email protected] .


The instructions below go over how to upload a video recording to your account for storage. (Supported files are less than 200 MB and either .webm or .mp4 file format.) If the upload feature is not already enabled on your account, please contact [email protected] .


Any recordings stored with SecureVideo are stored in a HIPAA-compliant Amazon S3 vault. By default, they are accessible only to the session host and Account Administrators (and if enabled, clinical supervisors), but it is possible to allow users to securely share the recordings with other users. 


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1. Log into your SecureVideo account and click on the "Recordings" tab. 

Recordings tab


2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the "Upload Recording" button. 

Upload Recording button


3. Drag and drop the video file you want to upload into the blank space, or click on the blank space to browse your computer files and select one to upload. 

  • If you have the Account Administrator or Clinical Supervisor role, you can also select which user should be the owner of the recording. If you do not have one of these roles, your user account will be the owner of the recording. 

"Upload Cloud Recording" page, with arrow pointing to dropdown menu for an admin/clinical supervisor to choose the recording owner



4. Once you see the "Your upload completed successfully!" message, click "Close Tab" to leave this page, or "Upload Another" to upload another file. 

Success message



This article was last reviewed by our Support team on May 31, 2019.